Dear Steward,
I understand the time and commitment it takes to be a steward. You are the face of our union and the part of our leadership structure that has daily, direct engagement with other members. Your work is the bedrock of our union.
Corporate executives and those who have built their massive wealth by profiting from our labor have a strategy. They know that our power lies in our unity, so they sow division among working people and our communities to weaken our movement for a just and equitable society. We must be resolute in our revolutionary hope to leave this world better than we were born into it, to advance a society that is truly for workers and for the people. We cannot back down in this fight.
Our fight starts in the workplace with our members. To win, we must engage with our members of all races, backgrounds, and genders to recognize our shared values and build unity. As stewards, you are the most critical layer of union leadership because our members look to you for guidance, support, and direction.
The resources provided here are to help you feel confident, prepared, and ready to resolve workplace problems, bring new members into our union, and push your coworkers to build union power.
Thank you for taking on the great responsibility of engaging your coworkers and being their first advocate. Thank you for your dedicated leadership to make CWA STRONG.
In Solidarity,
Claude Cummings Jr.
President, CWA

President Claude Cummings Jr., Communications Workers of America